Our Benefits
Owen’s equipment is designed with the benefit of years of experience in the manufacturing of roof trusses and wall frames.
This means you benefit through:
- Faster, less complicated set-ups
- Flexibility in usage
- Increased productivity on short or long production runs
- Fine tolerances
- Long term, trouble free operation
- Better performance than similar machinery on the market through use of the widely accepted EqA Assessment System for truss manufacturing productivity
Higher Productivity
- Inbuilt TapesFast, positive setting mechanismsSimplicity and practicality in designAdvanced technology through computer controls
Better Quality Output
- Simple operation
- Faster production aided by technology
- Low maintenance
- Compliment existing manufacturing facilities
- Conform with Australian Standards
Lower Operating Costs
- All cutting activities are remote from the operator
- Clear visual access to all press heads
- All wiring and pneumatic lines are secured away from the operator
- Minimisation of operator fatigue
Increased Safety
- Less time spent on operator training
- Can be used by semi-skilled personnel
- Simple, direct operating procedures
- Clear and concise operation manuals
- Computer assisted operation
- Minimisation of potential for operator error
- Simple, direct operating procedures
- Clear and concise operation manuals
- Computer assisted operation
- Minimisation of potential for operator error